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Essex Supports – Reducing Mental Health Crisis

Our ambition:

To reduce the number of crisis mental health incidents

How we will work:

• Look to reduce demand pressures upstream - The system needs to prevent incidents escalating and we need to identify the most effective points to provide information, advice and guidance.
• Make best use of data analytics – understanding local needs and pathways
• Link with other projects (e.g. garden communities, Active Essex, and with the wider public health agenda)
Key activity:
• Identifying risk factors and common triggers
• Work with frontline services to identify the information, advice and support needed to prevent crisis
• Explore what training is required for frontline services to recognise and manage mental distress and identify potential contributory factors

Project Sponsors:

Essex system sponsors of this work are Ian Davidson Chief Executive of Tendring District Council and Anthony Forster Chancellor of the University of Essex.

Next Steps:

• Literature review on risk factors and early identification of crisis