Building system leadership in Essex
System leadership is the ability of leaders to collaborate across organisational, cultural and other boundaries and to lead whole systems to deliver better outcomes for the people we serve. Whole system working helps Essex leaders to connect organisational ambitions, strategies and resources that enable them to find sustainable local solutions to meet the county's priorities.
Leaders across Essex recognise the importance of shifting to a system leadership model to tackle complex issues such as demographic changes, changing nature of work, different and new types of crime, climate change and the impact of new technologies. Essex Partners see issues not in police, health or council silos, but instead as common challenges that we need to work on together.
The Essex Vision was developed by the top 100 Essex leaders, community groups and businesses in 2017 to galvanise the county's energy for collaboration and focus public sector organisations on the pursuit of common goals.
Essex Partners has also commissioned Leading Greater Essex, which now in its second year is developing senior leaders from across Essex, Southend and Thurrock as collaborative leaders.
There is a lot of other system leadership activity happening in Essex and nationally – within organisations, within sectors and across partnerships. We would like to further collaborate and share learning with partners, and would welcome it if you could get in touch with your experience of what you or your organisation is doing on system leadership, what your experiences have been and how you and your organisation have derived benefit from it.
page updated 20/04/18