A catalyst for change
Leaders from across public services in the county are improving the lives of Essex people and reducing the demand on public services, by transforming how we work together.
Senior leaders in Essex come together in a wide variety of groupings on different issues and at different geographic levels. Partnership forums include Essex Leaders and Chief Executives meetings and also a wide range of partnerships that support more thematic work – such as the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board, the Safer Essex group, the Waste Partnership and Children’s Partnerships.
Working together, members of Essex Partners aim to deliver better quality and better value outcomes for the people of Essex than would be achievable if member organisations worked alone.
Essex Assembly
The Essex Assembly meets twice yearly – generally in March and September. It brings together a wide range of leaders across the public sector, universities, the voluntary and community sector and business to discuss how we can all work together to deliver our shared Vision for Essex.
Essex Partners
The public service reform agenda in Essex is led by the Essex Partners, which includes senior leaders from across a range of public sector bodies, universities and the voluntary and community sector. Essex Partners is responsible for leading the development and delivery of the new Vision for Essex, The Future of Essex and recognises the importance of shifting to a system leadership model, collaborating across organisational, cultural and other boundaries to deliver better outcomes for the people we serve.
Essex Partners is chaired by Cllr Louise McKinlay, Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Community, Equality, Partnership and Performance, Essex County Council
Essex Strategic Coordination Group
The Essex Strategic Coordination Group works to ensure alignment of key work streams across different partnership boards, it undertakes deep dives into specific issues and drives key strategies supporting the Essex Partners and the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board. The ESCG is currently working on developing a new Essex Health and Wellbeing strategy.
Last updated 22/03/18