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The Strategic Hate Crime Prevention Partnership (SHCPP)


The Strategic Hate Crime Prevention Partnership (SHCPP) is a multi-agency partnership in Essex, established to ensure that the core principles of ‘Action against Hate 2016’ - the government’s plan to tackle Hate Crime – are enshrined in the activities of all authorities, agencies and groups involved in tackling Hate Crime across Essex. The SHCPP consists of partners from Essex County Council, Essex Police, Office for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Victim Support and Stop Hate UK amongst others.

The SHCPP delivers a strategy and action to address how services respond to Hate Crime in Essex.  The strategy shares the aims of the Future of Essex, the partnership vision of a county where every single person has the support, the opportunity, and the self-belief to fulfil the promise of their potential. To find out more please click on the following links:

If you require any further information about the partnership please contact