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Join us on the 18 October, 9am to 3.30pm at Chelmsford Cathedral.

The Essex Faith Covenant invites you to this conference which will encourage effective dialogue and understanding between faith communities and the emergency services in Essex. Delegates will take away information and insights that will enable a greater understanding of priorities and encourage closer working relationships.

An engaging programme for the day is planned and will include senior officers from each of the emergency services as keynote speakers.

Delegates will be able to attend two workshops from the following:

  1. East of England Ambulance Service: Caring for the carers: developing a chaplaincy for all
  2. Essex Police: ‘The Harm in Hate’: looking at race and hate crime
  3. Essex County Fire and Rescue Service: communication/interaction for the common good: combatting neglect, and safeguarding issues
  4. Essex Faith Covenant: faith and pandemic – future crisis management from a faith perspective
  5. Chelmsford Anti-Slavery Partnership: working together towards a slavery free Chelmsford
  6. Breaking bad news from a multi faith perspective


To secure your place, please email us at, or complete the following Microsoft Form: Please click here